Prime Numbers are introduced to most of us during 2 or 3 years in school. The sequence of prime numbers, which begin with
2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,.....
has held untold fascination for mathematicians, both professionals and amateurs alike. The reason:
Primes are the DNA of arithmetic—at least, that is the prevailing belief among mathematicians, and yet no one has ever discovered the magical equation that will predict one prime after another. Mathematicians believe that something that fundamental has to have a pattern, but none has been discovered. There has to be a hidden equation that will generate the prime numbers, the building blocks of arithmetic. Wait, we say. We know how arithmetic works. In elementary school, we learned the procedures of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We know all about it!
So, what is the mystery?
In biology a hidden pattern called a double helix was discovered for the DNA molecule a stunning revelation that explains how heredity functions and won a Nobel Prize in 1962 for James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins. James Watson was a postdoctoral student still in his 20s when he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Unfortunately, there is no Nobel Prize waiting for someone who discovers the hidden pattern explaining how arithmetic works. Mathematics was, for reasons still unknown, excluded from Nobel Prizes by Alfred Nobel, the man who made a fortune with the discovery of dynamite in 1866. But, it is exciting to search for an answer anyway. Here is what we now know: The even numbers starting with 4 and most of the odd numbers can be created by multiplying two or more prime numbers. The primes consists of a small set of odd numbers and the even number of 2.
My search
While searching the uniquest of prime number, i am very excited about one website. Feel free to surf.